Tips + Tricks

Let Your Sunglasses Sparkle with FGHP

Let Your Sunglasses Sparkle with FGHP

Keep Your Sunglasses Sparkling with Essential Oxygen Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 8oz Spray

Sunglasses are an essential accessory, not just for making a fashion statement but also for protecting our eyes from harmful UV rays. However, over time, they can accumulate smudges, fingerprints, and grime, making them less effective and less attractive. Cleaning them properly is crucial, and we've got you covered! We recommend our safe and effective cleaner - our Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 8oz Spray to keep your lenses sparkling clean.

Why Use Essential Oxygen Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (FGHP)?

Our Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is a non-toxic, eco-friendly solution that effectively cleans without the harsh chemicals found in many conventional cleaners. Its food-grade quality ensures that it’s safe to use on items that come into contact with your skin and eyes, making it ideal for cleaning sunglasses.

How-To Clean Your Sunglasses with FGHP

Hold your sunglasses by the frames to avoid touching the lenses. Lightly spray Essential Oxygen Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide directly onto both sides of each lens. Make sure the lenses are evenly coated but not dripping wet.

Using a soft cloth or dry lens cloth, gently wipe the lenses in a circular motion. Microfiber is ideal because it’s soft and won’t scratch the lenses. Start from the center and work your way out to the edges, ensuring you cover the entire surface.

Don’t forget the frames! Spray a small amount onto the frames and wipe them down with the cloth. This helps remove any oils or dirt that may have accumulated from handling.

Inspect your sunglasses under a good light source to ensure all smudges and streaks are gone. If necessary, repeat the process for any stubborn spots.

Benefits of Using Essential Oxygen Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

  • Non-Toxic and Safe: Free from harsh chemicals, making it safe for use on items that come in close contact with your skin and eyes.
  • Effective Cleaning: Removes smudges, fingerprints, and grime, leaving your lenses crystal clear.
  • Eco-Friendly: An environmentally friendly option that’s good for you and the planet.

Additional Tips for Maintaining Your Sunglasses

  • Regular Cleaning: Clean your sunglasses regularly to prevent buildup of dirt and grime.
  • Proper Storage: Always store your sunglasses in a protective case when not in use to avoid scratches and damage.
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Refrain from using harsh chemical cleaners or abrasive materials on your sunglasses.


Using Essential Oxygen Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 8oz Spray is a simple, effective way to keep your sunglasses looking and functioning their best. Its non-toxic formula ensures that you’re not exposing yourself to harmful chemicals while enjoying crystal-clear lenses. Incorporate this cleaning routine into your self-care regimen to enjoy spotless, streak-free sunglasses every day.

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